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Viewing the timetable for service 90, 91

Sudbury to Hadleigh
serving Boxford
  • cancellation of journey on the 90's

    10th - 12th Feb 2025

    due to an emergency road closure, we are unable to run the following journey on the 90s

    07:00 from Sudbury

    we are sorry if this causes any issues in your travel plans today

  • Manningtree High School Bus 2

    31st Jan 2025 - 14th Feb 2025

    Due to Brook Street Dedham being closed to and from Dedham will turn around at The Marlborough and will not serve Brook Street, Crown Street, Castle Hill, The Heath, and Long Road West.
    Students from the above named roads can board at either the Marlborough or on the junction of Long Road West and Ardleigh Road.

    We apologise for any inconvenience

Route map

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Service 90Service 90Service 90Service 90Service 90Service 90
Sudbury, Bus Station 07:00 09:15 11:15 13:15 17:15 18:35
Great Cornard, Lindsey Avenue 07:07 09:22 11:22 13:22 17:22 18:42
Newton Green, Saracens Head 07:12 09:27 11:27 13:27 17:27 18:47
Boxford, Fleece 07:17 09:32 11:32 13:32 17:32 18:52
Bowers House Tye, Brewers Arms 07:22 09:37 11:37 13:37 17:37 18:57
Hadleigh, Bus Station 07:32 09:47 11:47 13:47 17:47 19:07

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